Top 10 YouTube Channels Every Game Dev Should Follow

The world of game development is rich and diverse, offering endless opportunities for learning and creativity. Whether you’re a budding developer, a seasoned pro looking to refine your skills, or simply a fan of the process behind video game creation, YouTube has become a treasure trove of resources. Here, we spotlight the top 10 popular YouTube channels that every game development enthusiast should follow. These channels offer insights into coding, design, industry trends, and much more, making game development accessible to everyone.

1. Brackeys (Channel Inactive, But Still a Goldmine)

Brackeys was one of the most beloved game development channels on YouTube, known for its clear, concise tutorials covering Unity, C#, and game design principles. Although the channel stopped uploading in 2021, its extensive library of tutorials remains invaluable for developers of all skill levels.

2. Unity

The official Unity YouTube channel is an essential resource for anyone working within the Unity ecosystem. It offers tutorials, case studies, and feature overviews that help developers maximize their use of the platform.

3. Unreal Engine

Similar to Unity’s channel, the Unreal Engine YouTube channel is a must-follow for developers interested in working with Epic Games’ powerful engine. It features tutorials, project breakdowns, and updates on the latest engine features.

4. Extra Credits

Extra Credits covers a wide range of topics within game development and game design. Its engaging, animated videos delve into the intricacies of game mechanics, storytelling, and industry issues, making complex concepts accessible to a broad audience.

5. Game Maker’s Toolkit

Run by Mark Brown, Game Maker’s Toolkit is a channel that analyzes video game design to understand what makes games fun, engaging, and challenging. Brown’s insights are invaluable for developers looking to deepen their understanding of game design principles.

6. Thomas Brush

Thomas Brush, the creator behind games like ‘Pinstripe’ and ‘Neversong’, shares his journey in game development through vlogs, tutorials, and live streams. His channel offers a personal look into the life of an indie game developer.

7. GDC

The Game Developers Conference (GDC) channel provides access to talks and sessions from the industry’s premier professional event. Covering a wide range of topics, it’s an excellent resource for learning from leading experts in game development.

8. Blackthornprod

Run by Noa Calice, an indie game developer, Blackthornprod focuses on Unity and C# tutorials, game jams, and the development process of his own projects. The channel is particularly appealing to indie developers for its personal touch and practical advice.

9. Jason Weimann

Jason Weimann specializes in Unity game development, offering tutorials that range from beginner to advanced levels. His channel is a fantastic resource for learning best practices and efficient coding techniques.

10. Ask Gamedev

Ask Gamedev features a group of game industry veterans discussing various topics, from game marketing to career advice. The channel is known for its “Top 10” lists, industry insights, and advice for aspiring game developers.


YouTube has democratized access to game development knowledge, making it easier than ever to learn from experienced professionals and passionate hobbyists alike. The channels listed above represent just a fraction of the wealth of knowledge available at your fingertips. By subscribing to these channels, you not only gain access to valuable tutorials and insights but also join communities of like-minded individuals passionate about game development. Whether you’re looking to start your first project or aiming to refine your skills, these YouTube channels are your gateway to the wider world of game development.

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